Staying Positive during Covid-19

playdates during covid-19

These are tough times, and Staying Positive during Covid-19 is the only option that will help you stay sane in the long term. Here goes my list of things you can do in your life everyday – some just personal activities, some with your family that will support you in staying positive during Covid 19.
These also include some tips for parenting during coronavirus as being a parent i know, our kids are just as stressed out as us, being not able to go to school or meet their friends as often as they used to. So read on..

Pick a Hobby and find time to do it virtually or physically: Along with being an avid traveller and a mom of 2, I am a life coach too. While neither travel blogging or coaching is what I do as my day job, they both have a great impact in keeping me super positive at all times. Because these are things I love to do. While I’m unable to do much of travel during Coronavirus, coaching is what I have been focussin on as so many people today seem to need an open space to just vent out and find a direction. In case you’re interested, drop in a line or schedule a free session.

Time to hit the kitchen: Find some easy or difficult whatever you prefer, recipes online and cook or bake along with your family. you could even have cook off or bake offs. One of these days, my daughter had her friends over (all around 9yrs old) and they all make chocolate brownies with minimal help from my end. Its fun and there is a sense of achievement associated too. Trusting them is one of the topmost amongst tips for parenting during coronavirus. Give them an open space to make mistakes. They’ll learn and so will you 🙂

Hold family competitions of 1 minute games:
You can find many such games if you search for 1minute games on the web. Few that come to my mind include: Count 5 different kinds of beans in 3 different quantities (let the kids do the counting and keep it). Put it out and let everyone guess how many are there. Whoever comes the closest gets a treat.
Let the kids hold a lemon in a spoon in their mouth and race across the living room.
These are really fun and totally help staying positive during covid-19.

Start a new boardgame tradition:
We have had pictionary runs, Codenames marathons, Life game with the whole world who visited us and some new variety of games at sister’s place like Yahtzee (a card game) and Jaipur. Its one of the most fun ways to spend time together as a family, get to know more of eachother and of course learn along the way

Solve a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle:
We solved on of these!

Jigsaw Puzzle

Teach the kids a game from your childhood like Raja-Mantri-chor-sipahi game (translating to Kind-minister-thief and soldier): Make chits, shake them and throw and the trick is simple – pick the one with Raja on it and you are safe. It’s a clash among the King, Soldier, Knight and Thief where once the Raja gets his chit, Mantri has to guess which of the other two is a Chor. Right guess gives him more points or else it is reversed with the thief.

And the last one on my list is also one of the tips for parenting during the coronavirus and one of the most effective ways of staying positive during COVID-19:

Our Family Thank You Jar
Thank you Jar: A daily ritual in our house

Thank You Jar: Start the practise of writing thank you notes. the way it works is every day before sleeping write a thank you note and put these in a jar. I recommend doing this as a family but if you’re by yourself, you can do this too. At the end of the month, take these out and read them and know the things we are often grateful for are everyday simple things of joy.
Now that I think about it, I haven’t repeated the reason for gratitude since almost 90 days now and every day I am able to find a reason to smile. It sometimes is as simple and mundane like a sunny weather, a perfectly made pav bhaji, getting the time to watch a good movie, having people around to talk about things that matter, receiving a heart touching testimonial from someone I coached and yeah I can go on and on. There are enough and more reasons to be thankful for than we often realize.
This brings immense joy and appreciation for the life we’re leading. I highly recommned doing it with your kids (if you have any) and you’ll know for yourself how it changes perspectives.
